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Clone the Sample Extension, and open it in Android Studio

Adjust manifest options

Adjust madrid_name, madrid_id, and madrid_bundle_id in AndroidManifest.xml to the IDs of your corresponding iMessage app if nessesary. They are currently set to GamePigeon defaults.

  • madrid_name is the iOS app name
  • madrid_id is the iOS app store ID (url: .../gamepigeon/id1124197642)
  • madrid_bundle_id is the format[team id]:[bundle id]

Deploy to device

Deploy the app on the device. It will not launch as it has no main activity.

Register with OpenBubbles

Open OpenBubbles, then go to Settings -> Developer Tools. Enable Developer Mode, then click "Add Service Name". Enter com.example.openbubblesextension.MadridExtensionService (the service name for this example).


You should be able to go to any chat and click the + button, and see the sample extension there as an option.

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